Atlas Logistics - Case Studies & Infographics

Case Study: How Atlas® Supports Best Value for Store Remodeling

Written by Admin | Aug 19, 2015 7:31:00 AM
Atlas Logistics TM serves some of the most popular and respected names in retail. These companies rely on Atlas ® for critical logistics services to support the success of individual stores and the overall enterprise. The logistics framework may involve new construction, relocation, or remodeling of their stores—Atlas ® routinely answers all scenarios.

This case study looks at the process Atlas Logistics TM follows to support store remodeling.​ As an example for one account, Atlas ® will apply this process to over 100 high-traffic retail locations this year across the United States and Canada.​ These projects incorporate warehousing, transportation, job site delivery, inside placement, and reverse logistics into a practical, single-source solution.


Major Roles

The Customer. Represents the retailer who requests logistics services.

Material Suppliers. Manufacturers who provide construction materials, fixtures, and furnishings.

Atlas Logistics TM Account Coordinator. Key contact at Atlas ® HQ who oversees the logistics plan of the project, and provides operational support to all parties throughout the process.

Customer Field Contact. Project manager representing the customer who manages the on-site construction crew and works closely with the Atlas ® Agent for delivery of materials and assistance as needed.

Atlas ® Agent. The Atlas ® Agent is responsible for the direct transportation, handling of materials and managing labor crews as directed by Atlas Logistics TM.

The Optimal Warehouse Location

The clock starts when the Customer contacts Atlas Logistics TM. With construction set to begin in eight weeks, the Atlas Logistics TM Account Coordinator immediately secures an Atlas warehouse that is best suited to handle the projects Scope of Work (SOW). Larger retail stores typically occupy 15,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. and will require 5,000 sq. ft. of material storage during a project, at least half of which must be open floor space for pad-wrapped and bulky items. The choice of warehouse will depend on proximity, capacity, and availability.

Once the warehouse location is determined, the Atlas ® Agent does a site survey of the store location. Any special considerations for delivery, such as restricted access, extended carries, or security concerns, are factored into the service plan.
Locating the warehouse within 50 miles of the job site is usually ideal. Atlas LogisticsTM also serves remote locations, orchestrating deliveries from four or more hours away. 

Gathering the Goods

Four weeks prior to construction, the Atlas ® Account Coordinator schedules transportation of goods with the Material Suppliers. Atlas ® trucks pick up materials at each provider’s location and delivers to the project warehouse. In total, inbound goods shipments average about ten truckloads and about eight partial truckloads loads ( LTL).​ The Atlas warehouse secures all materials for the project a full seven days before construction begins.

Managing the Inventory

As the warehouse receives materials, the Atlas ® Agent checks each item against the master inventory and enters it in the customer’s database. The Customer Field Contact will use this same database to request deliveries via “pick lists.” Project guidelines call for requests to be made 48 hours in advance of delivery, but sometimes deliveries are expedited same day. In these cases, Atlas ® responds with flexibility to get the job done.


Working After Hours

Construction spans four to twelve weeks, depending on the store size, and extent of remodeling. Since stores stay in operation during remodeling, deliveries take place after the close of business.

During the course of construction, the Atlas ® crew will perform 20 to 30 deliveries of fixtures: lighting, flooring, case goods, cash wraps, etc.​ They ensure all materials stay safe from damage throughout transit, using pad-wrapping as the primary means of protection.​ The onsite construction crew handles the unloading, with Atlas ® personnel assisting as requested by the Customer Field Contact. As always, teamwork is the guiding principle.
Atlas® provides delivery of rooftop HVAC units via flatbed truck.​ The units may weigh 2000 pounds or more.​ The Customer Field Contact provides the crane and rigging for off-loading and rooftop placement.

Finishing with Inside Placement and Reverse Logistics

After all permanent fixtures are installed the stage is set for completion.​ Atlas ® makes the final delivery of furnishings, tables, racks, and mannequins typically on a Sunday night.​ This is the most labor-intensive task in the process.​ It requires five to seven truckloads and an Atlas ® crew of 12 to 25 men.​ At the Store Manager’s direction, the Atlas ® crew will ensure all items are placed appropriately inside.​ They will remove and recycle any debris, such as the packing used for mannequins.

The project concludes with a reverse logistics solution.​ The Atlas ® crew loads designated items from within the store and takes them back to the warehouse.​ The Atlas ® agent then dispatches the items as instructed for reuse at other stores, return to the manufacturer, or recycling.​ If items are designated for use in another store, Atlas Logistics TM will deliver those within seven days.

Improving the Process

Following completion, the Atlas ® Agent performs an evaluation of the project. The feedback enables the Atlas Logistics TM Account Coordinator to provide the Customer an important perspective on logistics and identify of potential improvements to strengthen the process through continuous improvement.